09:00 Opening remarks by Mark Simpson
09:05 Jayne Brady – Head of NI Civil Service
09:15 Scott Woodard – Director, Office of Energy Transformation at the U.S. Department of State
09:25 Dr Xavier Garcia Casals – International Renewable Energy Agency
09:35 Kersti Berge – Head of Renewable Energy – Scottish Executive.
09:45 Panel Discussion – chaired by Mark Simpson
10:00 Break & networking
10:30 Presentation – Pathway to a Renewable Future – Professor David Rooney
Professor Rooney will deliver a Power Point presentation on the ‘Pathway to a Renewable Future’ document. This is an important aspect of the summit and will then form the basis of the break out sessions which follow.
11:00 Break Out Session 1
The break out sessions will cover four themes - investment, governance, inclusive growth and technology/skills. The main sponsors of the event (SONI, NIE Networks, CASE) will be given 5 minutes to speak at the start of each session and facilitators will oversee each of the sessions. Break out session panels to be confirmed.
12:30 Lunch and networking
13:30 Break Out Session 2
15:00 Break & Networking
15:30 Chaired by Mark Simpson
15:35 Mark Ferguson - Chair of the European Innovation Council (EIC) Board.
15:45 [Senior US Representative (to be confirmed)]
Summing up the day from a European and US perspective.
16:00 Energy Summit Close
08:30 Breakfast and registration